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I have taught several courses, seminars, and tutorials on Applied Econometrics, Microeconomics, Industrial Organization, and Research Methods. These teaching experiences have been at the undergraduate and graduate levels for students with diverse backgrounds, from Engineering students at ENSAI and Telecom Paris, to Business Administration students at LMU Munich, KU Leuven, and EM Lyon.

Currently taught courses

Online course

  • Together with Tobias Kretschmer, and supported by colleagues from the institute, I have developped a MOOC called Digital Markets and Platforms. The course is offered as a CLASSIC course within the curriculum of Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern. An OPEN course version is also available for a larger audience.


I supervise bachelor and master theses on topics related to consumer behavior, pricing strategies, and competition in the network industries and platforms markets.

Previously taught courses

  • Managerial Economics (2023), KU Leuven. Lectures (Undergraduate level). Developed and taught.
  • New products (2022), LMU. Lectures (Graduate level). Munich School of Management, LMU. Joint with Tobias Kretschmer.
  • Panel Data Econometrics (2021, 2022), ENSAI. Graduate level. Developed and taught.
    • Full course for students enrolled in “Data Science for Economic & Health Modeling” and “Data Science & Quantitative Marketing” tracks (24 hours).
    • Short course for the students enrolled in “Mastère Spécialisé® Data Science pour la Connaissance Client” (12 hours).
  • Digital Economics (2021, 2022), ENSAI. Graduate-level (12 hours). Developed and taught with Yutec Sun.
  • Discrete Choice Models (2022), ENSAI. Graduate-level (5 hours). Developed and taught.
  • Management and Economics of Platforms (2019, 2020, 2023), Munich School of Management, LMU, Munich, Germany. Undergraduate level. Developed and taught with Tobias Kretschmer, Giulia Solinas, and Joy Wu.
  • Empirics of Organizations (2018, 2020, 2022, 2023*), Munich School of Management, LMU Munich, Germany. Graduate level. Developed and taught with Pooyan Khashabi (’18, ’20) and Joy Wu (’22, ’23)

Guest lectures 
  • Introduction to Econometrics with R (2017 – 2022), Telecom Paris, France. 3 hours.
  • Introduction to Game Theory (2017 – 2022), Telecom Paris, France. 3 hours.
  • Economics of Platforms: Two case studies (2018), Telecom Paris, France. 3 hours.

  • Managerial Economics (2019 – 2021), EM Lyon, France.
  • Management and Economics of Platforms (2019, 2020), LMU Munich, Germany.
  • Tutorial in Industrial Organization (2016, 2017), Telecom Paris, France.

Supervision of theses and projects
  • At ENSAI, I was in charge of coordinating the Projet d’Economie for undergraduate students. Every year, I supervised several groups working on topics related to the digitization of the Economy.
  • I also supervised various professional theses (EM Lyon and ENSAI).